Dusty | Crime Page
Break and enter is known as the act of breaking into another's house, car, or other private place, typically with the intent of stealing valuable items. Needless to say, B&E has some very negative connotations. However, does breaking into a residence with the intent of leaving donations dredge up the same image in one's mind - that of a masked man with a pencil thin mustache creeping around on tip toes looking for diamond necklaces? No. So, therefore, is it still B&E? Or is it something completely different - charity perhaps?
One Edmonton man argues his method of giving should not be labelled a crime, but, a happy surprise. This philanthropist 'burglar' regularly breaks into houses and apartments across the city leaving cans of non perishable food items and would like to remain anonymous until he is certain no criminal charges will be laid against him.
His reasoning behind this is well thought out. In fact, it was in large part due to the research he has been conducting for the past two decades for the Psychology Dept at the University of Edmonton. His studies revealed that it is not uncommon for people, when they are down on their luck, to be unable to get over their pride/ego and use a food bank or ask for a helping hand. The study results motivate this Prof to act, to turn action hero, and help the poor and unfortunate.
His method is fairly simple and very effective. First he targets a 'victim', stakes out their residence, waits for an opportunity, then strikes. He has become very adept at climbing into basement windows and scaling balconies. He jokes his charity nights are more of a workout then when he hits the boot camp at his gym. Which I can attest to, as I joined him one night. Strapped with over ten pounds of canned meats and soups, we climbed fire escapes and ladders in dangerously ill lit back alleys to make our way into our recipient's apartment. After the first drop I was exhausted. Yet, Prof Poverty was only getting started. Some nights he does half a dozen break and donates. Sometimes he even leaves small plush toys if he knows their are small children.
He has plans to recruit a small group of activists with the intention of spreading his good work even further afield. He jokes, 'maybe with a small group we can donate bigger items; fridges, furniture, or do a small scale bathroom remodel'. With a heart as big as the Professor's it seems anything could be possible.
2: 46 am |EDMONTON